Science Curriculum Statement
Our aim at Gentleshaw is to establish a Science Curriculum that will instil a love of investigating, asking why and a need to find an answer. We recognise that Science is a core subject and we want to ensure that children gain a wide range of experiences through exploration, discovery and collaboration. Working scientifically is a key part of our Science Curriculum which enables children to develop the essential skills needed to successfully plan, carry out and use scientific theories and ideas. Children are consistently encouraged and taught to question and discuss while learning about all aspects of Science.
Our Science Curriculum
Each year group are provided with Science based topics which have statutory learning objectives that have to be taught within school. Through our carefully planned topics and lessons children are taught to investigate, alongside the learning of scientific vocabulary and the science knowledge behind an investigation. We ensure that children don’t just remember the experiment but understand the knowledge behind their activity and can explain their learning through drawings, discussion and their written work. We make sure that our planning and lessons are progressive and that knowledge is revisited and built upon ensuring children having the adequate skills to help with further enquiries throughout their school lives.
Our science curriculum is designed to develop learners that are:
· Confident enough to ask why.
· Inspired to take risks by asking their own questions and creating their own investigations to find out the answer.
· Willing to find one answer and then ask and investigate further questions.
· Problem solvers who show confidence and resilience when carrying out tasks.
· Logical in their approach and can choose the suitable equipment when investigating.
· Independent learners as well as members of a team or partnership.
· Able to apply their previous knowledge.
· Proud of their work and consistently produce their best work.
· Able to choose the best way to present their findings or results.
Investigating sound- high and low notes
At Gentleshaw we like to share all the amazing activities that our children experience within the science curriculum. Parents are invited into school to observe their children demonstrating their scientific skills during our ‘Science afternoon’. We also share our science books during our parents’ evenings to ensure parents are familiar with the expectations within science and the knowledge that the children are taught throughout their time with us. Their science learning is also shared regularly through the schools Twitter feed.